Our Flax Fibre is a fine flax seed meal containing an excellent balance of soluble and insoluble fibre, vital for removing toxins from the body. Blood Sugar Balance Great fibre - low GL - steady release Great levels of soluble and insoluble fibre in Flax Fibre help to ensure that glucose is released steadily into the bloodstream, which is particularly important in cases of hypoglycaemia, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
As a food with a low glycaemic load (GL), Flax Fibre helps the body avoid triggering excessive insulin release and a subsequent "sugar low".
Heart Health Good protection - thinning blood - healthy arteries A good intake of Flax Fibre may improve blood cholesterol levels, which are a factor in cardiovascular problems.
The fibre appears to trap fat and glucose, enabling it to be swept out of the body, and seems to provide some protection against high blood pressure and angina. Essential fatty acids help to thin the blood, reducing the chance of blood clots forming.
They also build flexible, permeable cell walls, an important factor in maintaining healthy arteries. Hormone Balance Prostate health - alleviates PMS - menopause support Flax is the richest known source of lignans, plant compounds which have mild oestrogenic properties.
This gentle action can lead to better hormonal balance which is so vital for prostate and breast health: it may also help to alleviate symptoms of PMS and menopause.
Flax Fibre also supports reproductive health by sweeping residues of hormonal breakdown from the body.
Detox Healthy colon - improved function - reducing risk Many nutritionists maintain that up to 80 per cent of disease conditions start in the colon.
Our Flax Fibre is highly effective in escorting wastes from the body, keeping the colon happy and healthy. It also improves liver function and helps to reverse both diarrhoea and constipation, reducing the risk of bowel disease and inflammatory bowel conditions.