Hemp is assumed to have originated in the Himalayas and is an annual herb that grows very quickly, is durable and robust and at harvest can plant all parts used for various purposes.
The fibres in the stems are used for making paper, rope and fabric.
Hemp seeds are without question in the Superfoods category and a full 80% of their total oil volume is made up of essential fatty acids which few other seeds reach.
Hemp seeds are a rich source of high quality protein and essential amino acids. This shelled hemp seeds are treated using modern technology to insure that the nutritional content is kept at its highest and they are therefore kept cool during treatment.
Superfruit’s Hemp protein is a perfect substitute for all lactose allergy sufferers who cannot eat regular whey protein.
One serving of 30g hemp protein contains 45% protein, 20% dietary fiber and more than 10% omega fats! Delicious in fruit smoothies, as a healthy after workout snack!
The powder is RAW, grown without pesticides and contains no additives!