Nature's Own Evening Primrose Oil is high in fatty acids, including the essential omega 6 linoleic acid (70%) and the non-essential omega 6 gamma linolenic acid (9%).
Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) is essential for the production of certain hormones called prostaglandins, which regulate many body functions, such as blood pressure and the reproductive cycle.
Although the body can produce GLA directly from linoleic acid, sometimes the conversion is not very efficient, so a supplement might be useful.
GLA performs a variety of functions including support of skin health, oxygen metabolism and cell membrane integrity.
Many women choose to supplement with EPO around the time of their period or during the menopause.
Fatty acids are as important nutrients as vitamins and minerals, but not all can be made in the body, and essential fatty acids have to be supplied in our food.
Human breast milk is one of the richest natural sources of GLA.
Linoleic acid can be found in many oils, including safflower, hemp, grape and sunflower.